Much has been written about the source of soldiers in the de Meuron regiment of foot. After the release of the regiment from Dutch service in 1795 the regiment entered British service until its disbandment in 1816.
In 1806 the regiment was stationed at Lymington in England and many soldiers whose contracts were up left the regiment. It was in 1806 the rebuilding of the regiment began. Rebuilding went through three phases, 1806, 1807 and 1809. These dates correspond with the movement of the regiment. 1806 in Lymington, England, 1807 in Gibraltar and 1809 in Malta. It was Malta where the regiment was stationed until it moved to Canada in 1813. According to Maurice Vallee in his excellent book on the regiment, the De Meuron’s had only a compliment of 218 men at the start of 1809 and by December of 1809 were a regiment of 798 men. By 1811 he states they were up to 957 men. So what was the source of the soldiers who made up the regiment?
Guy de Meuron in his book states that the in 1806 the regiment was down to 120 men when it arrived at Lymington in September 1806. By the start of 1809 the regiment was up to 278 and by December of that year was up to 798. Guy de Meuron claimed that the source of the majority of the new recruits were French prisoners of war who were members of the Swiss regiments captured at the battle of Bailen in Spain in July 1808 and held prisoner at Cadiz. Unfortunately the picture of where the new de Meuron recruits actually came from is far from clear.
Various attempts over the years have resulted in searches being done in France at the archives at Vincennes, the results being far from conclusive. Certainly many soldiers did come from French regiments as demonstrated by the histories of Jean-Baptiste Bernardin and Johan Thomas Niderer as well as those soldiers who recieved la medaille St. Helene in Quebec in the 1860’s. The St. Helen medal was awarded to former soldiers who had fought in Napoleon’s armies. One of those that was awarded the medal in Quebec was Jean Baptiste Vand’hooleaghe (Vandelac). The purpose of this post is not to explore French service but rather inter regimental transfer.
It was common practice for soldiers in the 19th century to move between British regiments. Recent research at the British Archives at Kew in London has revealed that the following de Meuron soldiers were in fact transferred from other British regiments into the de Meurons.
- Felix Bartel Enlisted 28 October 1808 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Nicolas Bourgnon Enlisted from the Kings German Legion KGL but had previous served in the De Meurons
- Benoit Carron Enlisted 17 December 1808 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Dieudonne Castion Enlisted 17 November 1808 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Henry Fabritus Enlisted 11 December 1809 – Kings German Legion KGL and 60th Foot
- Conrad Faure Enlisted 20 July 1810 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Francois Genevier Enlisted 11 December 1809 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Antoine Grazianni Enlisted 29 November 1807 – 35th Foot
- Jean Horn Enlisted 28 June 1803 – 60th Foot
- Nicolas Kellar Enlisted 15 May 1812 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Henry Lafinneur Enlisted 15 December 1808 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Jean Theodore Misani Enlisted 25 April 1811 – Royal Regiment of Malta
- Henry Rick Enlisted 15 May 1812 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Bernard Roesch Enlisted 28 November 1803 – Queen’s Germans
- Joseph Sanspott 28 October 1808 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Louis Simoneau Enlisted 24 October 1814 – Chasseures Britaniques. This regiment was disbanded 5 October 1814
- Gaspard Steckley Enlisted 30 January 1809 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Johann Veert Enlisted 15 May 1812 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Charles Wisar Enlisted 4 June 1803 – Kings German Legion KGL
- Xavier Zeheinder Enlisted 13 April 1813 – Kings German Legion KGL
Although some of the transfers post date the 1809 mass entry, and some predate the 1806 in take, it is interesting to see the different number of regiments the de Meurons drew from. By no means exhaustive this short list does speak to the sources of soldiers. The Kings German Legion KGL was stationed in Malta at the same time the de Meurons before their transfer to Sicily in October 1811. For a complete history and the changes in the composition of the regiment see the following article by Walter Bonnici.
I am after some information about my ggggfather Abraham Joseph who was with the Regiment De Meuron. I understand that he came from Lichding, Lorraine. He was born circa 1768 and died circa 1817 in Ceylon (ne Sri Lanka). He married Anna Catharina Riphagen from the Netherlands. I am hopeful that the records of this regiment may have some information about Abraham’s parents. Any help will be appreciated.
Charles, Regimental records show he was discharged on September 8th 1796. He entered service 24th February 1789 and was listed until February 1794. He extended for another 2 years. He was discharged at Fort William, India. This was when the regiment was under Dutch service. As is often the case the place of birth is either incorrect or no longer exists. I was unable to find a Lichtingen in Lorraine. His birth year based in regimental records was 1761. Sorry I can’t be of more help. Its not a period that has a lot of material available. How did you know about the marriage? That might be an avenue to search.
Hello, I am looking for information on a Nicolas Doutre my 3rd Great Grandfather. He is listed on the muster book and pay list 1795 – 1806 (page 9 # WO12 11960) de Meuron Regiment. I believe he was born in 1782 so this would make him 14 at the time he was recorded on the muster. I have no idea where he was born but I know his son George William Doutre (my 2nd Great Grandfather) was born in 1830 in Kamptee, Bengal, India. This is all the information I currently have. Any help with his service would be great. Many thanks.
Great to hear from you. The only thing I could find on Nicolas Doutre was the following. Born 1750, Paris, Isle de France. He was 5 foot 7 inches tall. Enlisted the 7 February 1783. Discharged 24 January 1806 as a Sergeant in Madras. He was promoted to Corporal 23 May 1802 and then to Sergeant on 25 November 1795. I can send you the original pages. Should be easy to find his birth record. Hope this helps!
Hi Robin, sorry for the long wait to reply, please if you could send me a copy of the original pages that would be great. I’m still no further along in the search for my 3rd Great Grandfather so anything will help.
many thanks
I am trying to find where my 3rd Great Grandfather Joseph Allemande came from when he enlisted in De Meurons on 4th October 1808 – which may be after Baylen?. He went on to serve in Canada and Jamaica, where he married and came home to England at disbandment at the end of 1816. Was there value in lying about where you came from? Near to Switzerland but not Swiss? Piedmont? Does service (an extension) in Jamaica mean that he might have been a German speaker? Piedmont or Alsace for his origin is unclear but what got him to the joining up point?
My great x 3 grandfather was Jacques Antoine’ Bain. He is found in the de Meuron British payroll as early as May 1809. Im trying to proceed backwards in time in order to find information about his birth. I. From all of the reading I have done it is unclear where he might have enlisted and how he served In Napoleon’s army. In a 1841 record for his Declaration of citizenship he says he’s from Calais (was a French citizen) and born in December of 1789. He also says he departed from Malaga for North America. He fails to mention any service in the War of 1812 for the British. Do you have suggestions for finding French or British military records prior to May 1809? I have had difficulty accessing your informative de Meuron research website. I hope to hear from you. Thanks in advance!
My ancestor is Johan (Herman)Hermanus Unger born about 1769 in Hirshburg, Bad Doberan, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Germany. He was a soldier in the De Meuron Regiment and lived and married in Sri Lanka. Later he was absorbed by the EIC. He died in India in 1810 fighting in the Srirangapatnam War. I have no more information on him. I am trying to find a birth certificate for him and wonder if there is somewhere I could find information on the recruitment (a museum perhaps) where they have pictures and early records of the recruits.
Re: Abraham Joseph.
Further to my posting on 24 April 2020 regarding my ggg grand father Abraham Joseph, thanks to Robin Smith who responded the next day with some information. I am still looking for Abraham’s ancestors if anyone else has some. I am stuck at this point and unable to proceed further on the Joseph line. Any help, however scant, will be most welcome. Thanks.