Bannerman Brothers Business Registrations, Montreal, Quebec


No. 475, Bannerman Brothers. Vol. 13 p. 236.

We the undersigned do hereby certify that we have entered into co-partnership under the style  or firm of BANNERMAN BROTHERS as rope and pipe manufacturers which firm consists of Dame Mary Rose Gilboy, widow of late Robert Bannerman; Mary Ann Bannerman, Spinster; Thomas Bannerman and Alexander Bannerman, all of the City of Montreal. The said firm having its workshop at Lachute, County of Argenteuil, and its principal place of business in the City of Montreal, the said partnership having commenced since the twenty third day of July last part.

In witness thereof we have signed at Montreal, this second day of August one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven.

A. Bannerman.

Mrs. R. Bannerman.

Mary A. Bannerman


No. 1126, Bannerman Brothers, Vol. 18, p. 533.

District of Montreal.

I the undersigned Mary Ann Bannerman, public merchant, wife contractually separated as to property from Joseph A. Vaillant, Grocer, of Montreal, duly authorized from my husband,  do declare that since the existence of the firm Bannerman Brothers, knew, since before my marriage, I have always been a partner in the said firm, and am still a partner; and the said Joseph A. Vaillant declares that he authorizes  said spouse to be part of the firm Bannerman Brothers to all ends as to right.

Montreal 24 December 1895.

Mary Ann Bannerman.

Joseph A. Vaillant.

note: translated from the French original.

No. 1264, Bannerman Brothers, Vol. 22, p. 568.

Province of Quebec, District of Montreal.

We Mary Ann Bannerman wife separated as to property from her husband Joseph A. Vaillant, Insurance Agent and by him duly authorized, Thomas Bannerman, and Alexander Bannerman all manufacturers residing in the city of Montreal hereby certified that on account of the death of their mother Mary Rose Gilboy, widow of the late Robert Bannerman in her life time one of the partners of the firm Bannerman Brothers, said partnership which existed between us at Montreal under said name and firm of Bannerman Brothers as Rope makers and Pipe manufacturers is dissolved.

Montreal this twenty fifth day of February one thousand nine hundred and two.

Mary A. Bannerman.


A. Bannerman.

Thos. Bannerman.

No. 1265, Bannerman Brothers, Vol. 22, p. 568.

Province of Quebec, District of Montreal.

We the undersigned do hereby certify that we have entered into co-partnership under the style and firm of Bannerman Brothers as rope makers and pipe manufacturers. Which firm consisted of Mary Ann Bannerman, wife separated as to property from her husband Joseph A. Vaillant Insurance Agent here to present for purposes of authorizing her, Thomas Bannerman and Alexander Bannerman all manufacturers residing in the said city of Montreal, the said firm having their rope factory at Lachute county of Argenteuil, and pipe factory at Montreal and its principal place of business in the city of Montreal. The said partnership having commenced since the twelfth day of January 1902.

Montreal 25th. February 1902.

Mary A. Bannerman.

J.A. Vaillant

A. Bannerman.

Thos. Bannerman.

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