Genealogical Research Services
Initial Request
This is where we start. Fill in the contact form and either via email or phone call, if you are local, or Skype if you further away I will evaluate your request and get back to you. I may ask you a bunch of questions about what you know and don’t know. What documents you may have. I may also request copies of documents you have. This allows me to assess whether I can actually help you. This part is free. Its my way of doing the due diligence required to ensure I can actually help you. Depending on the time of year you will hear back from me with two business days.
Research Definition
Once we have gone through the evaluation of the initial request and I determine I can help you, I will work up a budget along with project scope. For small projects, (less than five hours) I require prepayment. For larger projects I work on 50% up front, 25% on the production of an interim report and 25% on delivery of the final report.
Interim Report
I will deliver an interim report with source materials searched and results to date. I may at this point also make some recommendations on avenues to research that are outside of the scope of the project. I may also at this point recommend that we stop the research. This allows you to evaluate the results to date and decide how much further you want to go with the research.
Final Report
A final report will be delivered once all research defined in the project scope has been completed. The report will include source documents as well as references as to the location of those documents. The report will detail what I found and did not find. I will make recommendations for further avenues of research. In order to make document transfer efficient I use Box or Dropbox for file transfer.
Unfortunately disputes do happen. People don’t get the results they expected or feel the time and cost was too much and refuse to pay. I always attempt in a professional manner to resolve these issues to the satisfaction of both parties. My professional reputation is based on fairness, transparency and the Association of Professional Genealogists code of ethics.
As a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists I agree that professionalism in genealogy requires ethical conduct in all relationships with the present or potential genealogical community. I therefore agree to:
Promote a coherent, truthful approach to genealogy, family history and local history. Present research results and opinions in a clear, well-organized manner; fully and accurately cite references; and refrain from withholding, suppressing or knowingly misquoting or misinterpreting sources or data. Promote the trust and security of genealogical consumers. Advertise services and credentials honestly, avoiding misleading or exaggerated representations; explain without concealment or misrepresentation all fees, charges, and payment structures; abide by agreements regarding project scope, number of hours, deadlines and reporting schedules; keep adequate, accessible records of financial and project-specific contacts with the consumer; and refrain from knowingly violating or encouraging others to violate laws and regulations concerning copyright, right to privacy, business finances, or other pertinent subjects. Support initiatives that preserve public records and access to them.
Be courteous to research facility personnel and treat records with care and respect; support efforts to locate, collect, and preserve records by compiling, cataloging, reproducing, and indexing documents; refrain from mutilating, rearranging, or removing from their proper custodians printed, original microfilmed, or electronic records . Promote the welfare of the genealogical community.
Give proper credit to those who supply information and provide assistance; refrain from (or avoid) knowingly soliciting established clients of another researcher; encourage applicable education, accreditation, and certification; and refrain from public behavior, oral remarks or written communications that defame the profession, individual genealogists, or the Association of Professional Genealogists.
This is where the rubber hits the road! I charge like all genealogical researchers an hourly rate. Obtaining copies of original documents sometimes costs money, so those are charged at cost. If I need to travel I charge reasonable travel expenses that are pre-approved by the client.
Reputation is everything in this business. So if you think I have done a good job let me know. If I haven’t met your expectations also please let me know.